Friday, October 22, 2010

How to define and update script in TSM server

Here are some tips when managing scripts in TSM server.
  • Defining script in TSM:
DEFine SCRipt script_name command_line Line=number

tsm: TSMSERVER> DEFine SCRipt test_scrit "q sch t=a" Line=5

  • Updating script in TSM:

UPDate SCRipt script_name command_line Line=1 DESCription=description

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Best Practice in Backup & Data Protection in a Virtualized World

Webcast for managers and backup administrators:

A BrightTALK Channel

Thursday, October 14, 2010

CZE - Licence produktů MS ve virtuálním prostředí

Narazil jsem na zajímavý článek velice znalého odborníka na licencování Microsoft produktů paní Dariny Vodrážkové, MCTS.
Tento článek pojednává o problematice licencování Microsoft produktů ve virtuálním prostředí:

Monday, October 11, 2010

IBM HMC: Accessing the Product Engineering Shell (PESH) Command Line

On this site you can find manual how to access PESH in HMC.

It can be used when solving problem with too big /var/hsc/log/hmclogger.log file and need to do any operation under root.

The procedure in this document can be used to obtain an unrestricted shell on the HMC and log on as root.
Prerequisites: Obtain a pesh password from IBM support.
Right-click on the HMC desktop, select Terminals > rshterm . Run the lshmc -v command to obtain the HMC serial number (as stored in the BIOS). The serial number is listed in the SE field (in bold blue below):

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to recover one table from dump in MySQL

If you do dumps just of one table on regular basis then you are happy man :-)
  1. Backup of one table:
    # mysqldump -u username -p password > /path/file.sql
  2. Restore one table:
    # mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=localhost db_name < /path/file.sql
If you do dumps of whole DB then do following:
Backup of DB:
  1. # mysqldump -u username -p password > /path/file.sql
Restore of one table from dump of DB:
  1. We have to know where one table starts and where ends:
    # grep -n 'Table structure' /path/file.sql
  2. Then we have to separate part of file with required table into new file using line number gathered in previous command (where 7506 is start and 17684 is end):
    # sed -n '7506,17684 p' /path/file.sql > /path/new_file.sql
  3. Then we can restore it into DB:
    # mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=localhost db_name < /path/file.sql

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

UNIX and Linux command reference guide

Here are some commands from UNIX and Linux world.

AIX Linux
Command Comment Command Comment
Show directory size du -ms /tmp k KB,m MB, g GB du -hs /tmp
Show disk size bootinfo –s hdisk# MB
List exported directories lsfsexp
showmount -e
Show FC Info fcstat fcsX