Monday, January 28, 2013

TSM: PERFORM LIBACTION new command which defines and delete TSM libraries containing large number of drives in TSM server 6.3

New command “PERFORM LIBACTION” has been introduced in TSM server version 6.3.

This command defines and deletes TSM libraries containing large number of drives.
Valid for library type VTL and SCSI.

More information about syntax can be found here:

TSM: Upgrade recommendations for TSM V6 server

How-to can be found here:

TSM & GPFS: How to schedule a backup of a GPFS using multiple nodes to share the workload

Examples of how to schedule a backup of a GPFS file system:

TSM for VE: VM Backups and Version Controlling


Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environment backups versions controlled description.

TSM for VE: Steps for mounting a Windows dynamic disk using iSCSI

How to perform a mount of a Windows dynamic disk in the Tivoli Storage Manager Recovery Agent for individual file restores?

Answer can be found there:

Monday, January 21, 2013

Quick setup guide for HACMP/PowerHA 5.x or 6.x

Recommended AIX Virtual Memory Manager settings for DB2 database product

You can find there recommended AIX® Virtual Memory Manager settings for DB2® database product....

PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX v7.1 Two-Node Quick Configuration Guide

The purpose of this document is to provide the steps to quickly configure a two-node PowerHA v7.1 cluster primarily using SMIT. If your looking for good reference for using the CLI, clmgr, to perform these task then check out Bill Miller’s doc on the subject at:

UNIX: commands that can be used for performance-related issues

Here are summed up commands that can help identify performance related issues in UNIX systems:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

IBM Power Systems to AIX version maps

Do you need to check whether the version of AIX installed in your environment is supported on new Power server?

I've migrated LPAR with AIX 5.3 TL12 SP4 from Power 570 running on Power 6 CPU to Power 710 server and AIX have not known PCIe ethernet adapter.

So I have had to upgrade AIX to version 6.1 in order to have this device supported.

Let's check AIX to Power system dependency on IBM Website "System to AIX maps".

Compatibility can be also checked on "Fix Level Recommendation Tool" website:

Example of System to AIX map: